A downloadable prototype for Windows

The original idea behind Xylon Bosa wasn't that it would be a game at all, for most of the production it was a test of several mechanics that ended up being combined into a game later just so that the mechanics could be used. When it became a game concept however, it needed a backstory so I decided that it would be a sci-fi adventure game where the player explored the environment and would take part in KOTOR inspired combat (as this was the mechanic currently being developed anyway). This then progressed into the player not being able to control their allies (unlike KOTOR) and so it essentially became turn based combat, more like Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes.

Into this system then went the idea that the player would choose their allies based on the abilities they possessed, and so the pawns all got a 'type' style system, just like Pokémon.

To give the player something to do between fights a quest system was developed and put into the world, based on a Morrowind style idea that the player would explore the environment and discover areas, rather than being led. This didn't really pan out too well as the early testers didn't find all of the areas, and so I created a full communication system with the ability to open doors unlocking new parts of the level and integrated it into the quest system.

At this point I realised that the separate mechanics had become more of a whole unit and started focusing more on the level and design rather than the building of new mechanics, but with that being said, certain elements of the game are unpolished and if I had my time again, I would focus on a single idea and then would have time for the inclusion of sound, VFX, handmade UI etc.

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